Our services


Accounts and cash transfers

Valid from 01.02.2023

Account services
Account opening fee free of charge
Account closing fee free of charge
Cash in fee free of charge
Cash out fee €1



Valid from 01.02.2023

Trading [1] (includes settlement)
Trading with securities on Nasdaq Baltic stock exchanges 0.20% (min €3.50)
Trading equities on foreign stock exchanges 0.15% (min €10)
Trading of Baltic bonds OTC 0.25% (min €3.50)
Trading of Scandinavian bonds OTC 0.25% (min €10)
Trading of eurobonds OTC 0.25% (min €16)
Subscription of Baltic securities €3.50
Trading of investment fund units €35
Trading of Redgate Timberland fund units free of charge
Securities transfers
Fees (settlement Baltic securities FOP/DVP) €3.50
Fees (settlement Nordic securities, FOP/DVP) €10
Fees (settlement Euroclear, FOP/DVP) €16



Valid from 01.02.2023

Safekeeping services [2], [3]
Securities’ safekeeping fee (excl. Estonian securities) 0.006% per month
Securities’ safekeeping fee (Estonian securities) 0.003% per month
Safekeeping fee for Redgate Timberland fund units free of charge


Discretionary portfolio management

Valid from 01.02.2025

Discretionary portfolio management service [2], [4]
Discretionary portfolio management fee [5]:
– for tier 1 (portfolio portion up to €499,999.99) 1.2% annually (min €190 per month)
– for tier 2 (portfolio portion between €500,000.00 to €999,999.99) 0.9% annually
– for tier 3 (portfolio portion from €1,000,000.00) 0.5% annually

Note: For a more detailed overview of fee calculations, see the discretionary portfolio management fee calculator.


Dependent investment advisory

Valid from 06.09.2023

Investment advisory service [2], [4], [6]
Moderate strategy 0.80% p.a (min 120 € per month)
Balanced strategy 0.95% p.a (min 140 € per month)
Bold strategy 1.15% p.a (min 170 € per month)
Ambitious strategy 1.30% p.a (min 190 € per month)

Note: From 01.02.2025, no new contracts for investment advisory services will be concluded.


Additional services

Valid from 01.02.2023

LEI code service [2]
Initial LEI code application for one year €120
Yearly renewal of LEI code €80


[1] The following principles apply for trading fees:

  • Percentage based trading fees calculated from trade amount.
  • Trading fee is charged in trading currency.
  • Trading orders transmitted to the Investment Firm can be cancelled until executed.
  • On certain markets, minimum transaction amounts may apply. On certain markets a stamp duty on transaction amount is added
    to the transaction charges. If purchase transactions are subject to financial transaction tax according to local market regulations, such tax is added to the transaction charges.
  • Fund subscription and redemption fee may be added subject to fund terms.

[2] Estonian VAT will be added to the fee.

[3] Safekeeping fee is calculated based on
aggregated value of assets at the last business day of each month. Value of assets is calculated based on:

  • the last available NAV for fund units/shares known to the Investment Firm,
  • nominal value for bonds and non-listed securities and
  • market value or the last price known to the Investment Firm for listed shares.

The fee is debited once a month by 15th calendar day of the following month.

[4] The advisory fee and discretionary portfolio management fee is calculated monthly based on the average asset value of the investment portfolio during the calendar month, applying a 1/12 annual fee rate. The fee is debited once a month, by the 15th calendar day of the month following the calculation period. The minimum fee does not apply in the month when the contract is concluded.

The asset value is determined by summing up the values of all asset types:

  • Cash balance in the account;
  • For tradeable bonds, stocks, and fund units, the market value or the last transaction price known to the Investment Firm;
  • For non-tradeable fund units or shares, the last net asset value (NAV) known to the Investment Firm;
  • In the absence of a market value for a financial instrument, the nominal value is used for calculation.

The fee is calculated in EUR, for currency conversions European Central Bank foreign exchange reference rate is used.

In addition to the investment advisory fee or discretionary portfolio management fee, securities transaction fees and safekeeping fees will apply.

[5] The fee is calculated by summing up the fees applicable to different portfolio tiers. For a more detailed overview of the fee calculation, see the discretionary portfolio management fee calculator.

[6] From 01.02.2025, no new contracts for investment advisory services will be concluded.

 Ex-ante costs and charges disclosure

We disclose ex-ante information about the costs and charges associated with transactions with various securities.

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